Will your student need financial aid? Just ask your target school for their typical student expense package and the school’s scholarship application process. A good first step is the FAFSA website (www.fafsa.gov) to complete the “Free Application for Federal Student Aid.” You’ll need last year's 1040 and … [Read More...]
Family Savings
ROTH and IRA Contribution Limits
If in 2010 you’re under 50, your maximum contribution to a traditional IRA or ROTH can be the smaller of $5,000 ($6,000 in 2011) or the amount of … [Read More...]
This website offers practical, financial advice to later-in-life parents, whether they’re found in the “sandwich generation” or simply planning … [Read More...]
ROTH and IRA Contribution Limits
If in 2010 you’re under 50, your maximum contribution to a traditional IRA or ROTH can be the smaller of $5,000 ($6,000 in 2011) or the amount of your taxable compensation. This limit can be split between a … [Read More...]
Best Retirement Financial Plan: Don’t Retire
“Defer retirement,” advises Olivia Mitchell, executive director of the Pension Research Council. “Working longer generates two positives: Increased savings and improved social security.” It makes sense. The more … [Read More...]